Bloom Where You’re Planted

Bloom Where You're Planted

Things come into our lives for a reason, right? We pick up a book that has a profound quote in it, we watch a movie that moves us or we run into an old acquaintance who says just the right thing we needed to hear. Then we realize how divinely guided our lives are. 

Well, I picked up a book the other day from the library and found a quote inside that was truly profound for me at this particular time of my life. The quote read: “Sometimes when we discover new places we discover new things about ourselves. But we don’t need to travel far to find enlightenment. We can live more deeply right where we’re planted.” Anne Bokma 

I had just come back from a month’s spiritual pilgrimage to India, a journey I had desired to take for decades. Having studied the teachings of the Masters of India for years, it was the next natural step, to go there and see for myself where they lived and found enlightenment. It was an eye-opening experience for sure. I saw not only the spiritual element of India, but also her poverty and struggle. My heart went out to those who don’t have the fortune of living in a place where there is clean air and an abundance of space between human beings. I realized how blessed we are to live where we live. 

So this quote from Bokma really hit me. Why do we travel? Is it to discover new lands? Or to discover ourselves? Or maybe both. I’m not sure what I was hoping to find in India. Perhaps to find enlightenment for myself. But what I ended up finding is that I have everything, right here, right now, to live a life of enlightenment. I need not go anywhere. Life presents itself to me through countless opportunities to be my best, give my best and make a difference in the world. It can be in the little things. My daughter needs a solacing word. My business partner needs understanding and support. My mom needs my time and attention. And the list goes on. 

I was reflecting on this with my mom, who reminded me of a saying that her mom used to tell her often. “Bloom where you’re planted.” Wow. Well that sort of sums up my trip to India. I had to go away to come home. And in coming home, to realize that I have everything I need to bloom where I’ve been planted. 

Another quote from Bokma’s book caught my attention, “Each day we are born again. What we do today matters most.” Buddha 

I am grateful I had the chance to visit such a spiritual and glorious land as India, to remind me that spirit is all around me, and that I need only to choose to be born again and bloom again each day. 

Yours in wellness, 
