Get Inspired by Elisabeth Fayt, Founder of rnr Wellness


Have you ever experienced writer’s block, or simply a lack of will or inspiration to do something?  As a writer for local magazines, I can attest to this, and know full well that there have been times when I’ve been more inspired to write and times when I’ve felt dry.


Well, an American author once said:  “I can only write when I’m inspired… I make sure that I’m inspired at 9:30 every morning.”


What a profound message. It’s not about waiting for the right moment when the stars are aligned, in order to do your best work.  It’s about aligning the stars yourself, at will, to make now the right time.


So over the years, I’ve found my way to get inspired.  What I do to get inspired to write is to find a quote that moves me, then the ideas and words start flowing, and my next article comes to life..


What can you do to find a way to be inspired?  Remember, it’s something you need to create, not something you wait to happen to you. If you wait to be inspired, you’re at the whim of when it comes or not.


Do you remember the Christmas Classic “Elf”, the scene where Elf is mistaken for a department store employee? Oblivious of what’s happening, Elf is playfully singing in the store. The boss curtly says: “No singing in the store!” But Elf explains: “Singing’s my favourite!”  Annoyed, the boss responds “Make work your favourite. Work’s your new favourite!”  


Now how do we equate this to real life? Well, make whatever you’re doing (or need to do) your favourite!


When I sit to write, I make writing my favourite. And that fills me with passion and inspiration.


I can’t count the number of times, my law of attraction students have asked me to help them find their passion. I tell them this:  Whatever you do, you must be passionate about it! That is how you find your passion. 


In other words, whatever you’re doing, make that your favourite. You will find yourself always inspired, and especially inspired when you need to be.


So, what are some of the things you’ve been putting off? Cleaning out the basement? Getting the car in for an oil change? Sorting through clothes to donate to the shelter?  Whatever you’ve been putting off or have had a lack of inspiration for, do what it takes to get inspired and you will find a will. In the words paraphrased from my Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, “When you are unwilling to do something, you will find you have no energy to do it, but the moment you become willing, you will find Divine aid, energy and inspiration to see your project through!”



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Get Inspired by Elisabeth Fayt