By Elisabeth Fayt


“Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.”



I volunteer for a large, worldwide Meditation Group, and my job is to welcome and onboard new volunteers to the organization. Because everything is online these days, I have the opportunity to meet wonderful people from all over the world. Even though my job is to serve them, I find that I learn something from each one. In essence, I end up receiving! 


Recently, my colleague and I were onboarding a new volunteer from New Jersey, and when we asked him what service meant to him, he described his daily routine. He said, “Every day, I wake up with the intention, Today I will uplift someone!” We were inspired, and also intrigued, so we then asked him, “Well, how do you do this?”  And he said, “I pay attention!” 

He shared that it doesn’t have to be a big thing, just something that we see and notice; a random, unexpected act of kindness for a loved one or even a perfect stranger. 


Interestingly, someone once questioned him:  “It’s such a small thing, why bother?” But he responded, “Well if it’s such a small thing, why aren’t you doing it?” Good question, right? Why aren’t we? Of course, we all want to be mental sunshine to those who cross our paths. So what would change, if we were to make it intentional


Well, I can say from experience, that when I give, I receive more in return. Giving makes me happy! The great thing is, anyone can serve. Paraphrased from my Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, he says, “You don’t need a college degree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace and a soul motivated by love.”


I want to share with you a true story, from an inspiring talk I heard recently:


Over 30 years ago, before the time of websites and search engines, a travel agent decided to use one of her vacations to explore a new location to recommend to her clients. She had heard about a beautiful remote hotel located on a mountaintop on the Greek Island of Icaria. So this woman set out on her journey. She ventured by boat to the island and rented a Moped to find her way. Without the convenience of google maps, she searched most of the day without luck. Finally, she came to a quaint sidewalk cafe, where she stopped, pulled out her maps, ordered a coffee and had a rest in the beautiful countryside. After an hour, with a renewed sense of direction, she asked the proprietor for her bill. He replied, “There’s no charge for the coffee.” But the woman said, “That is very kind of you, sir, but I insist.”  But the man responded, “There’s no charge for the coffee, ma’am, because this is my home.”


It wasn’t a side-walk cafe! It was his front porch! She asked for a coffee, so he brought her a coffee. That man was ready to shed the light of friendly service. My guess is he was a very happy man.


What a great example of loving-kindness. 


Now, I’m not asking you to invite strangers in for coffee. But once in a while, what about “paying it forward” at a Tim Hortons drive-through (by paying the tab for the guy behind you in line)? Or shoveling your neighbor’s walk? Or giving a sincere compliment? Or giving someone your full attention? Paying attention and being present is one of the greatest gifts of kindness we can give another person. And in being present, we see the opportunities we have to make their day.  In the end? We make our own day. Win-win! Sign me up!


“Be kind; for everyone is fighting a hard battle.”



Yours in wellness,