By Elisabeth Fayt, Founder and Co-owner of rnr Wellness
Two farmers had side-by-side businesses. One day they were standing and talking at the fence that divided their properties. An economic depression had come over the land, and they were discussing how each of them were coping. One said to the other “I’m not doing so well. I don’t know how to make ends meet with so many animals to feed and all the costs of maintaining my property.” The other responded, “Well, I found a way. I’ve started feeding my animals less and less every day. Actually, I finally got my goat to work with no food at all! But then he went ahead and died on me!”
Eventually, things die when we don’t feed them. Including ourselves!
I have fond memories of when my children were small and I was juggling being a mother and an entrepreneur. I had a friend who was in the same boat and we would often share a laugh or two about our demanding lifestyles. As much as we were caregivers, always putting others first, she would often say: “Nothing happens ‘til I get fed.” And I would concur! It’s why they instruct you to put the mask on first in case of a crash, when you board an airplane. We can’t give what we don’t have, nor can we help others efficiently if we ourselves are in need.
But let’s look in a broader sense now and analyze our lives. What are we feeding, or not feeding?
If you want a great relationship, you need to remember to feed it daily, with love and attention. Random acts of kindness work well. I’ve said before the power of a “love note”. It doesn’t need to be mushy. It can be a funny quote or a photo of the past, to remind you of good times. It keeps love alive, fresh and fun.
We all want health, but what are we feeding our bodies? If you barely make time to grab a coffee-on-the-run in the morning, you may want to re-think that strategy. We don’t always see the immediate ramifications of bodily neglect, but it definitely hits us later, like the farmer whose goat died.
We all want PEACE, but are we feeding our mind with positive thoughts of happiness and hope, or do we spend time each day in frustration and worry for the future?
You get the picture.
It’s beneficial now and then to take a look at all areas of your life: Love, Work, Health, Friendships, etc, and take stock of how you’ve been feeding them. It won’t be a surprise to you, as to what you have, based on it.
And don’t forget to feed your Soul! That means daily taking the time to breathe. Maybe meditate if you know how. Calm the mind and get in touch with how you feel. When you indulge in moods or feelings of being a “victim of circumstance” you feed your Ego, which never leads to happiness. Sometimes all it takes is a few long deep breaths, to get you to slow down and be aware of what’s happening in and around you.