It is amazing how many life enhancing benefits come from practicing gratitude. Who doesn’t want more of the good stuff in life? The benefits we are talking about are things like more awareness, joy, abundance and positive thoughts.

Practicing gratitude gets you aligned with the universe and clears out some of the blocked channels for abundance to flow into our lives. It is true that nothing new can come to you until you are grateful for what you already have. If you want abundance, blessings and a magical life, then be in a constant state of thankfulness.
Just like going to the gym once in a while does not get you in shape, sporadically dabbling with gratitude does not create the same quality of life as a consistent ongoing practice. Living daily in gratitude is where we want to be.

This free audio is packed gratitude insights and practices. Try it out for 30 days first thing in the morning and watch the shift towards more joy and abundance in your life.
Next blog post: The Magic Of Changing Habits