Elisabeth Fayt, Founder and Co-Owner of rnr Wellness.
I’ve coached hundreds of people on the Law of Attraction, and one complaint was most common, and it sounded like this: “I know I’m supposed to have this power to create, but it just doesn’t work for me. I want certain things, and I ask the Universe for them, but I’m simply not getting them. Please help.”
Well, the Law of Attraction is always working–it’s never not working. When you doubt its power, the Law is actually following your instruction to a tee, and giving you (or not giving you) what you’ve silently intended. Because all day you are intending (whether you realize it or not), and what you intend, you create.
So how do you harness your creative power in a positive way, to create what you want and need?
It starts with your first thought of the day. It’s a critical one. It either sets you up for success or struggle. Joy or melancholy. Calmness or restlessness. If you can’t remember your first thought of the day, your life is in the hands of the whims of the world, ready for a good or bad wave to sweep you away. So your first thought of the day is critical in creating what you want. Make it a good one, and then take each thought from there, and do the same.
Reality is, we spend more time choosing what to wear in the morning than we do choosing how we will connect with people, how we will feel, or what we will accomplish! Show me a successful person, and I’ll show you someone who is a conscious, deliberate positive thinker!
You can’t play the sad victim and expect good things to come. It doesn’t work that way. You get what you think about. And when you consciously choose your thoughts for the outcome you want, what you want comes quickly and effortlessly.
In my book Paving it Forward, and in my Transformation Audio, you’ll learn how to use a technique I call Pre-paving. It’s a method of consciously choosing how you want to look, live and feel through every part of your day and every part of your life.
Pre-Paving is telling the Universe what you want before it happens. It “lines up the energy” so that you can easily manifest what you want.
All day you are intending, and what you intend, you create.
You create with your thoughts. Excerpt from Paving It Forward
In essence, you’re already pre-paving, although sometimes you’ve been pre-paving positively and other times negatively. What you’ve currently attracted into your life is the result of what you’ve consciously or unconsciously pre-paved up until now.
So how to change your pattern of thought?
First, become aware of your thoughts. Your thoughts have a habitual trend. Analyze it. When you think about your job, are your thoughts generally positive or negative? When you think about your relationship, does it fill you with joy and anticipation, or does it bring you a tinge of anxiety or stress?
You get the picture. If you look at every avenue of your life through this introspective looking-glass, you can easily identify the current trend of your thoughts. And if you don’t like it, change it, by using positive thoughts and pre-paves. It’s as easy as that. I’m telling you, you will see instant results.
Here are a few to get you started:
Something wonderful is going to happen today!
I have the power to create, at will, what I want and need.
I deeply and positively connect with others.
I see the best in others.
Ideas and solutions flow to me easily.
Take control of your life by positively pre-paving what you want. Choose what kind of day you want to have. Choose how you want people to interact with you. Choose how much money you want to make. It’s time to step into your power with conscious intention.
As you resonate your deliberate commands, the Universe will get to work immediately orchestrating them to come true Don’t question “how”. Just believe and allow.
Where you put your attention, there is your energy for creating.
Elisabeth Fayt, Paving It Forward