Life is a Gift

By Elisabeth Fayt, Founder of rnr Wellness


I recently saw the movie FATIMA, a brilliantly inspiring movie depicting the real-life events that took place over 100 years ago. For those of you who believe in miracles, I highly recommend the film. For those of you scientists who may be skeptic, interestingly, the movie ended with a quote on the screen from Einstein that went like this:


“There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.”   Albert Einstein


What a profound quote, and from a scientist! But let’s not just be inspired for a moment and then carry on in our usual manner.  How can we bring these powerful words into our daily lives and make a change.


Let’s do a little exercise.


It’s common knowledge to all, that we often undervalue things/people/gifts until they are taken away from us. 


Take each area of your life, and just for a moment, imagine that it’s gone.  Work, children, spouse, family, health, abundance and so on…all areas of your life. Picture yourself without these things, one at a time. And for each one, welcome it back in, as though you were receiving it for the first time.  Receive it as what it is:  a GIFT.


So often we can allow little petty things to weigh us down, instead of being grateful for them.


So the next time the kids are annoying you, just sink into the thought of the miracle of your children! And the next time you have a difficult situation to deal with at work, remind yourself of the miracle of your job. Receive the gift. Over and over, practice this, as you go throughout your day, your week, your month.


With a little effort, you will find that life’s little frustrations, will transform into life’s little gifts.


As one of my favourite author, Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh wrote::


“People say walking on water is a miracle, but to me walking peacefully on earth is the real miracle.”  Thich Nhat Hanh


If you can do this, your life will be a string of miracles. Peace be with you.



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