Take Your Massage To A New Level

A gift is not a gift until it is shared 

An rnr massage is not just a massage. We pride ourselves in elevating your feel-good factor by providing an elevated spa experience. In fact, we like to say that it is impossible to get a bad massage when you come to our Fairmont Palliser or Hotel Le Germain Spas. We all know that the benefits of having a massage as part of your regular self-care practices are many. 

However, sometimes we want or need some specialized hands-on healing since we often become disconnected from ourselves. Not just our body but our mind, spirit, and emotions as well. You know what we are talking about. Busy lifestyles or habits such as too many hours at a computer, or on our cell phone with bad posture typically contribute to this. In addition, we may have congenital issues that need more attention, or maybe we just have high expectations about how good we want to feel and so we decide to take a proactive approach to our health and wellness. 

Some of the health issues we have may need the use of specialized modalities. 

Our solution is the Peaceful Warrior massage treatments. These are massages that will take your wellness to a whole new level and unleash your calm and inner strength. 

We choose our doctor, chiropractor, mental health professional, or registered massage therapist because we trust and connect with that person and believe they are genuinely using their healing and wellness gifts. Each of our practitioners has their own special gift, healing modalities, and ability to connect with you in a way that brings a very special quality to your massage and spa experience. 

You are really only one massage away from a good mood when you try out one of our Peaceful Warrior Massages.


