Spring Cleaning for Your Mind and Body

The passing of the Spring Equinox is a beautiful time in the yearly rhythm of our world. After a cold, dark winter the sun crosses the equator line moving north, tilting the Northern Hemisphere a little closer to the sun. This change brings us the gift of longer days, warmer temperatures, and an opportunity to refresh and revitalize our daily routines.  

Yes, Spring is in the air with the arrival of April! 

At this time of year, many of us shift our thoughts to decluttering, cleaning out and refreshing our home spaces. Spring cleaning is a routine that many people engage in, but have you ever considered it as a time to clean up your mental practices or lifestyle habits? 

4 Tips to Spring Clean your Life

Assess your Routines – Take inventory of your self-care habits (or lack thereof!):
Are you getting enough sleep? Regular exercise? Eating well? Practicing mindfulness? Engaging in regular wellness and self-care practices such as massage? Examine your routines and habits and notice where there is room for improvement or change. Pick 1 thing at a time to focus on, even if the item is small. 

Make Space for Nature – Are you getting enough nature time in your week? Set aside at least 30 minutes before or after work to walk in your neighborhood or a nearby park. Walking or hiking is a great way to come into a meditative state. Move slowly and mindfully while enjoying your surroundings.   

Reduce Electronic Clutter – Is your inbox crammed full of junk mail you don’t need? Electronic clutter can affect your mental space the same as physical clutter! Consider unsubscribing or setting an automatic rule for your inbox so that you can prioritize connections that matter. 

Clean up your Sleep – Are you guilty of endlessly scrolling through social media while you should be preparing for sleep? Consider unplugging at least 1 hour before bedtime and avoid scrolling in bed. 

Examining your routines and habits isn’t always easy, but ask yourself truthfully if there is room for improvement or change. Try to pick 1 thing at a time to focus on to make this process feel more manageable. This process of reflection may feel challenging at first, but can result in small, consistent changes that will contribute to your overall wellness and quality of life. 

Best of luck with your spring cleaning!


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