Why You Have Skin Problems When the Weather Changes…

Why does the weather change make my skin freak out?? 

If the seasons have changed but your skincare hasn’t, read on for some valuable tips!

If you’re noticing that your skin is drier and more irritated than normal, or it’s lost its luster, it might be due to the arrival of a new season. Depending on where you live, seasonal weather changes may be dramatic or mild. (Or, if you live in Calgary, you can experience all 4 seasons in the same day!)  Regardless of severity, you’re likely to notice that your skin has different needs in the cooler months than in the warmer parts of the year. This can happen anytime that there is a noticeable change in weather and humidity.

Think about a time you discovered a skin care product you truly loved. While you may have enjoyed this product after your first use, you likely didn’t see the full effect until you had been using this product for a while. Your skin needs time to adjust to products as well as the environment. So, in the middle of summer, your skin is more accustomed to sun, heat, and humidity than it is in early spring. In September, your skin is still adjusting to the seasonal change, and by February, you’ve likely eased into a winter skin care routine.

It’s Summertime, Baby!

When the heat returns in spring and summer, you can switch back to lighter skin care products that help target oil levels and problem skin. However, there is one item you shouldn’t drop in the fall and winter. SPF! Though you may think of this as a summer staple, you can still incur sun and UV damage in the cool fall and winter months. To avoid sun and UV damage plus premature aging, it’s vital to include sunscreen in your routine all year round. 

While shifts in the seasons and weather are beyond our control, how we care for our skin is in our hands. Understanding how the different seasons affect your skin — and how your needs may change — will help you choose which products to include in your seasonal skin care routine.  

How do you switch up your skin care seasonally?