Five Things I Know

Elisabeth Fayt, Founder and Co-Owner of rnr Wellness.

Five Things I Know For Sure

1. I can’t fix my problems.  I can only fix my thinking, then my problems fix themselves.  Einstein supports this in his famous quote, “You can’t fix problems with the mind that created them.”  When I find myself in a tough situation, the following affirmation instantly puts my thoughts in check:  “Change no circumstance in my life, change me.”  Surprisingly, everything changes.     


2. There’s a big difference between I can’t and I won’t.  The moment I become willing to do a task, all forces come out of the woodwork to support me. Jerry Rice says it well:  “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”                                                                                                                                    

3. Givers are happy, takers are not.   “Givers” are those who naturally think of others, without thought of return. “Takers” are absorbed in meeting their own needs, thinking of others only when convenient. What I have found is that when I focus on giving, with a grateful heart, my own needs are magically met, with little effort. 

4. Being grumpy never wins.   You may get what you want in the moment, but you chase away peace of mind, for yourself and others.  When you are miserable, these negative vibes ripple out from you to everyone around you, which of course, like a boomerang, return with a bang.                                                                                                                                     

5. The key to happiness is non-attachment.  If your happiness has to look a certain way, then it will always be something just out of reach.  True happiness means losing the notion of “I’ll be happy when…”  It takes getting off the self-pity treadmill, and accepting life as it is, looking for the gem in the good and the bad alike. What you look for, you will find.