By: Kimberly Mueller, Registered Psychologist, M.Sc., Co-Founder www.sheworth.org
Why is it that we as women struggle to put ourselves on par with others in our lives? How would we live our lives differently if we felt WORTHY of self-care, self-prioritization, and self-love? These are the questions that SheWorth endeavours to help women ponder so that they can foster the most important relationship that they have…the relationship they have with themselves.
Self-Worth is an intrinsic value and acceptance of ourselves wholeheartedly at all times knowing full well we have imperfections and limitations. Many people think of self-worth as self-esteem which is a completely different construct. Self-esteem is “how do we measure up to others, and are we doing a “good job” toward our goals. While self-esteem is important, it is not self-worth. Self-Worth is loving ourselves in spite of our flaws. Self-worth is a direct measure of how we value ourselves regardless of what others say. It is, therefore, something that doesn’t get impacted by outside forces. Self-worth is steady and unflinching, and holds power – to radically transform our life for ultimate happiness, love and success as we feel worthy.
Lacking self-worth is like being a beautiful house without a solid foundation. When the winds of existence come along in the form of people, relationships, and tough situations, your house is not safe and can be damaged and even become unsafe and even collapse.
You alone are the most significant factor in how you feel about yourself, about your life, and about your circumstances. And that is essentially where your personal resolve and strength comes from. We can wear a mask temporarily; like dressing up our beautiful house with a fresh coat of paint and new flower pots, but deep down we know it’s a lie as the foundation is not in place.
When we lack self-worth, there is an innate sense of dignity missing, we struggle to set personal boundaries, and we are in a constant state of self-doubt.
As Marianne Williamson famously put it:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
As we embark on International Women’s Day 2021, I challenge all of us to ask ourselves “What decision would I make right now if I felt worthy?” Please encourage your sisters, friends, colleagues, and daughters to re-connect to their self-worth and start making decisions in their relationships, career, and life that are in alignment with a person who believes they are WORTHY beyond measure. Imagine a world where every woman knew her worth??? Let’s not wait, let’s start to create it today!
Quick Tip: A proven strategy is journaling. Journaling is a beautiful, refreshing form of catharsis. Not only will it help you to feel better emotionally, but it will help you to gain mental clarity surrounding your low self-worth. Learn about our exclusive SheWorth Journal to start you on your journey. The SheWorth journal is based on Psychological principles to prompt you in your daily journaling exercise and will inevitably improve your self-worth along the way. Buy it for yourself or as a gift for a woman in your life who deserves to feel worthy.