Elisabeth Fayt, Founder and Co-Owner of rnr Wellness.

Around Valentine’s, we’re all a little more loving, thoughtful and forgiving of others. Now that Valentine’s weekend is over, keep that lovin’ feeling alive in your life with a few quick and easy tips, and hey, these work for friendships as well, so this applies to everyone to keep your love alive!

  1. Anticipate their needs:  Think of something you can do to serve them. What I do is make my husband’s latte every morning. I get up early if I have to, to make sure it’s ready just in time as he walks into the kitchen. Think of something YOU can do, no matter how small, that shows you care.
  2. Notice something good:  It takes just as much effort to notice the good as it does the bad. And whatever you look for, you will find. It also takes your focus off what bothers you. As my Guru, Yogananda says, “Why stare in the sewer when there’s beauty all around you?”
  3. Give a sincere compliment or say something kind:  Sometimes this is the last thing you want to do when someone else has been unkind to you, and this is when love can start to fade. Remember, people are usually unkind because they’re suffering inside. It’s a cry for help, so instead of having your usual retaliation ready to fire, instead say something loving or encouraging, and know your words will make a difference. I’ve heard it said, and I believe it, that science has yet to discover a medicine more powerful than a few kind words. 
  4. The power of a note: We have these magnetic letters we use to write messages to each other on the fridge. Or a little note card will do, slipped on the pillow or into a briefcase. It can be something simple, sentimental or funny, but can totally change the course of someone’s day. And you’ll like the outcome.

I could go on, but you get the idea. The list is endless of ways to keep love alive. You just have to make the effort, be creative and have some fun with it.

“Science has yet to discover a medicine more powerful than a few kind words.”  Sr Priya (SRF Monastic)

Keep Your Love Alive