Elisabeth Fayt, Founder and Co-Owner of rnr Wellness.
Welcome back for the LOVE QUIZ part 2! If you missed part one you can find it here: LOVE QUIZ — Are you feeding or starving your love connection?
Answer these simple questions and see how you scored below. Be sure to answer honestly!
6. Your partner comes home from a hard day’s work. He is clearly in a bad mood. Answer honestly. You:
a) do your best to support him, at the same time you keep your own mood happy. You don’t allow his bad mood to spoil your happiness.
b) do your best to support him, but you can’t help it, when he’s miserable, you’re miserable.
7. How romantic is your partner?
a) Very romantic b) Mediocre/Average c) Not romantic at all
8. When was the last time you did something romantic for your partner?
a) Today b) Within the last week c) Can’t remember
9. Is your love growing or diminishing?
a) Growing b) Diminishing c) Staying the Same
10. How do you feel in your relationship?
a) Happy/Loved/Safe b) Uninterested/Bored c) Unhappy/On Shaky Ground
Scoring your Answers:
6. Often when our partner is in a bad mood, not only do we let it affect us, we often dampen our own self esteem by questioning “is it me? did I do something to wrong?” Then we brood about it. Get out of that trap. Start a new habit of keeping your own thoughts on a high plane, regardless of his mood. His mood has nothing to do with you. You can choose how you want to feel, despite how anyone around you is feeling. And if you’re both wallowing, you are in no position to pick him up.
Score 10 points for choosing a).
7. First of all, if you answered c) the first thing you need to do is change that thought. It is a limiting belief that is creating the very thing you don’t want. Regardless of what you scored, expand your thinking about the meaning of romance to mean much more than just flowers and chocolates. Romance can also be taking out the garbage, holding the door open, or anything that shows a sign of self-less service.
Score yourself 10 points for answering a) and 5 for b).
8. If you marked a) give yourself 10 points. Way to go. Romance is something you do, not get. So many people look for a romantic partner, rather than just making the effort themselves to create romance in the relationship.
Give yourself 5 points if you picked b).
9. We are always in the driver’s seat of our own experience and can choose at any time to create more love in our lives. Pre-Pave to your partner “I love you more today.” This will line up the energy for more love. Don’t miss a day. Make it a habit.
Give yourself 10 points for answering a) and 5 points for answering c)
10. There is a misconception that our feelings are a result of circumstance; that troubles in a relationship cause feelings of sadness or frustration. But this is a misconception. We feel a certain way because we think a certain way–period! Change your thoughts and you change your feeling. Feelings are in fact a great method of keeping on track with your relationship. They are your emotional guidance system that tells you when your thoughts are on track or not. Whenever you have a negative feeling, decide what you want then Pre-Pave it. A powerful Pre-Pave is to say and feel inwardly “I am worthy of true love. I am worthy.”
Score yourself 10 points if you answered a).
Tallying Your Score:
Add up your points. 105 is a Perfect Score. O is the lowest possible score.
85- 105 Way to go! You are the light that others light their candles from! Keep up the good work, and show those around you how to do the same!
65 – 80 You are there most of the time! You know what you’re doing in love, and it’s getting you results. Now, look at the areas where you could improve and decide to make the changes that feel right.
45- 60 You’re half-way there, keep on going. Be sure to do the final exercise below to take your relationship to the next level.
0 – 40 We all have to start somewhere. Take a hard look at yourself and your relationship and identify if this person is right for you. Also look at yourself and who you become with your partner. Everything can change when we change inside. Complete the final exercise below and try to stay positive!
Final exercise for ALL love quiz part 2 scores:
Rate your current relationship from 1 – 10.
What would it take to get it to a 10?
Are you doing all you can to create a deeper bond with your partner?
Go back and re-do this Love Quiz part 2 again, as often as you wish, to keep yourself on track.