Leigh – Anne Peterson

RNR Wellness Editor

By definition, trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Without realizing it, we place our trust in multiple people, multiple times in a day.

  • We trust other drivers as we make our way to work every day.
  • We trust our doctors to be educated and knowledgeable, and to have our best interest in mind at all times.
  • We trust our partners to abide by the relationship parameters agreed upon.

The list goes on and on.

Of course, we all know what it feels like to have that trust betrayed, and how hard it is to rebuild when it’s been broken.  What happens though, when that broken trust comes from within? We are all, at times, guilty of failing to trust in OURSELVES.  Whether that stems from our own perceptions of our past failures or from outside influences, the results are the same.  A lack of trust in ourselves holds us back from being truly successful and happy.

How do you react when you are faced with a difficult decision?

So many of us become filled with self-doubt.  What will happen if we choose wrong?  How do we know what the right path is?

Do you listen to that “little voice” inside you?

How many times have you “had a feeling” about a situation and ignored it, only to look back and think “If only I had listened to that little voice in my head”.

How often do you stand up for yourself, and your beliefs?

Do you worry about offending others, or disappointing people? Do you allow your boundaries to be crossed, instead of risking confrontation?

None of these situations leave us feeling happy.  They destroy our confidence, and lead us down a path of self-doubt.  That self-doubt causes us to fail – or worse yet, not to try.  That then circles back and causes more self-doubt.  It becomes a vicious circle!

What if we trusted in ourselves instead?  What if we each started a journey of discovering who we truly are, and believing in ourselves?

As we start on a journey of learning to trust ourselves, it is important to remember to be kind to ourselves.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are new habits.  Start out with small decisions, and build your confidence.  It is also important to BE YOURSELF.  Being authentic will lead you to be able to hear that little voice – and we all need to learn to listen to that little voice – our intuition.  It is wise, and it knows our true selves.  It will guide us to make those difficult decisions, and it will keep us safe.  Mostly – trusting ourselves will help us grow, and thrive out there in the world.