Elisabeth Fayt

By Elisabeth Fayt, founder or rnr Wellness



Mother Teresa


An eagle was flying, and he saw a little bird on the ground on his back with his legs lifted up in the air. The eagle was curious so he swooped down and asked him “Little bird, what on earth are you doing?” And the little bird responded “The sky is falling and I’m trying to hold it up.” And the eagle laughed and said “You’re the silliest thing I’ve ever seen. Do you really think a puny little bird like you is going to make any difference?” And the little bird just glared at him and said “One does what one can!”


If you want to know one of the golden rules of life? You must always do what you can. If each one of us in the world “did what we could”, how much better the world would be!


So what does that mean, practically, and how do we do it?


Well, let’s look at our possessions. The world is full of “stuff”. What do you have that you can share with others who may be in need? It doesn’t need to be big. I always marvel at garage sales when I see all the things someone no longer wants. And the lineup of people ready to buy that exact thing they’ve been looking for! As they say, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure.


I’ve been spring cleaning myself, getting rid of a lot of clutter in my house. Clothes, toiletries, utensils, jewelries and all sorts of things I forgot I had. Turns out, a lot of the items I gave away were actually quite valuable! I had just grown tired of them. My intellect tried arguing with me that I still needed them, but I firmly said “No!” and committed myself to the Big Purge. What a sense of freedom! And a great feeling knowing all the people I made happy.


What about our talents? We’re all talented in one way or another. Whatever you’re good at or enjoy, there’s a reason for it. Most likely, someone in the world needs this from you! So look around as to how you can share your talents. This is how volunteerism works. There are so many volunteer opportunities in every city. People doing what they love, and helping others in the process. Find a way to share your talents!


And here’s another practical way we can do what we can, every day!  We have a choice when we read or listen to the news. We can see only the doom and gloom and get emotional about it (which just makes things worse). Or we can send Light to those individuals and nations who need it the most. That’s what prayer is, sending Light. It’s not just an imaginary thing, but a real thing that helps. So prayer is something we all can do. For more on prayer, read some of my other blogs. (Jon, put link here to other blogs on prayer)


In closing, never get discouraged about the state of the world, or the state of your life. The secret is to always, consistently and with humility, do what you can do. One does what one can. So…what’ll that be today


You don’t need to be rich, to be generous







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