Put Yourself First!

You know the saying:  the best time to relax is when you don’t have time for it…but how DO you make time for it? Many of us feel like we are about to be swallowed alive by our busy schedules, and that’s before any additions the holiday season brings.   Perhaps you’re already gift shopping, planning social events and starting to stress about getting it all done in time. Sound relatable?  If so, read on to discover how to maintain your sanity and put yourself first!

Make Yourself a Priority  

It might sound silly, but schedule yourself down time in the week the same way you would schedule an important appointment or social date.  I mean it – actually write it down in your day planner or add it to your online calendar. More importantly, don’t let yourself cancel it in favour of taking on more! That way you will avoid accidentally committing to too much and can use your scheduled self care time to decompress. 

Make space for activities that fill your cup

That scheduled downtime I mentioned earlier? Now’s the time to fill it with whatever fills your cup!  What activities do you enjoy? What do you have time for?  Hot bath by candlelight? A good workout or yoga class? Massage or some self pampering at the spa (we can definitely help with that)? Maybe it’s as simple as a short walk or spending an hour with a good book – the choice is yours. The most important thing is that you commit the time to doing whatever helps lower your stress levels.  

Listen to your body 

Storing tension in your body and breath is really common when you’re stressed out and overloaded.  A really simple self care check is to notice how you’re breathing – are you holding in your stomach and taking fast, shallow breaths?  If so, take a time out. Sit for 1 minute or longer, close your eyes and try to slow and deepen your breathing. If your body feels tight from tension, take a few moments to stretch it out. You’ll be glad you did!

Declutter Your Mind & Body

Examine your habits and routines – what’s taking up all your time? Does it all need to stay?  Maybe it’s time to create some more physical and emotional space for your self care. 


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